Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Open House Pictures

Been quite busy this couple of week sampai tak sempat nak updat blog. My picture of barcelona and Amsterdam trip pon tak habis upload..... sabar ye adik-adik. Buat mase ni baik pakcik upload gambar open house raye kalau tak sure nanti jadi lapok.
Kak Row, Kak Lij and Kak Mils did drop by my place before we headed to Atti punye open house. We also celebrated BDay kak Mils with a theme "A touch of Purple" but actually the marble cake that i cooked turned out Blue instead of purple.... sungguh kelakar
Happy Birthday Kak Lij

Open house Jem is one of the inventation that the group anticipate every year. This was my first time attending Jem's Open House. Thanks for the invitation. Good food & good company, how can that go wrong.
....and ape lagi budak2 posing sakan.

Atti quit her job mase puase so didnt know if shewas going to organize any open house. So we were really happy to finally get the invitation and to hear news from her.
Atti tersangatlah ramah and best kalau bersembang dengan dia.
Group we all kalau get together memang kecoh tak boleh dinafikan....
Atti siap bagi bungkus take away roti john untuk tetamu bawak balik lagi.....
Pergi Open House ape lagi, makan le kerje nye...

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