Upload gambar Barcelona tak habis lagi sebenarnye, tapi since sorang ni yang tak sabar sabar nak tengok images from kampong halamannye "al kononnye" so here were my days in Paris.
I stayed overnight at rumah Shidah cause her houe is just a few train stop from the EuroStar Train Station. Thanks Shida for the warmest hospitality ever....
All were planned perfectly cause i was to wake at four thirty then catch the train at Six and should have ample time. To my suprise, the train station is only opened at Seven. Punye lah pakcik gabra... my train to paris was at seven fifty. I asked the station manager and he assured me that i could be able to chatch it if i was able to catch the transit train. Pakcik pon ape lagi berlari macam kene kejar harimau sbb kene tukar train... alhamdulillah pakcik sempat sampai in time to catch the train to Paris.
Sampai Paris, bought myself a few Croissants and off to my first destination base on the schedule that Shida (Pompuan Excel Spreadsheed as wina called her) prepared.
1St destination Notre Dame. I arrived around noon. Ramai jugak orang kat Paris and cuaca was panas sangat. Dah lah backpack pakcik berat.
Notre Dame was huge tp sayangnye summer and a bit hancin which was a turn off.
Of to next destination... Lourve
Jenohnye pakcik mencari monalisa ni. Do not go to Lourve on Sunday, orang ramai sangat. Kawasan Lourve sangatlah besar and the exibition sangat menarik tapi pakcik tak boleh stay lama. So pakcik menyelit celah beratos orang yang berdiri depan monalisa tua dan tangkap gambar tu and then i was out of there. Kecik aje paintingnye dah lah tengok dari jauhhhh
Arch De Triomphe
View of the Eiffel Tower from Trocadero sangat cantik and yang best ade street performer. they were really entertaining. All the visitor enjoyed their performance. It really showed that they really loved performing.
I then checked in to my hotel, changed then went to see the Eiffel Tower. It was a 15 minute walk from the office. I would like to say it was a pleasent one but the bau hancin on the way to eiffel somehow scared some of my brain cell hahhahaha
Finally i was there in front of the EIFFEL TOWER
hmmmmm ooooo Besi Buruk rupenye opsssss (jangan marah....)
Disebabkan pakcik malas nak queue panjang kalau nak naik lift pakcik decided to naik tangga to the 2nd level. Lagi pon lebih murahhhh
Who recomended me to take the stairs should be hang! Macam nak pitam pakcik panjat eiffel tower tu. sudahlah pakcik tak makan tengah hari.... memang rase dah menggeletar dah sampai the 2nd level.
Nasiblah kat tingkat 2 ade orng jual ice cream so i had my sugar rush to cover kelaparan hahahha.
The view from eiffel tower is amazing. it was worth the climb aaaaaaaaa.
Pakcik tak tau plak kalau nak turun boleh naik lift sebenarnye.... pakcik turunlah tangga jugak. balik malaysia kawan pakcik cakap boleh naik lift kalau turun...hahahhaha
Next day pakcik pergi ke Sacre Coeur. The walk allong all the shops to Sacre Coeur was really pleasant. Kedai2 dia cantik and tersuson rape. They are really very creative.
Overall Paris is a beautiful city tapi it is a bit overatedlahhh